Order Details Page

Understanding the Order Details page

Welcome to the Order Details page. This is the page you see after searching for an order on the Manage Orders page. This page differs from the Product Details page because it is specific to orders, not products. 

The Order Details page lets you access in-depth information on the order level. You can view information like order status, payment details, relevant dates, etc. You can also perform actions on the order level, such as:

These are just a few of the actions you can perform. Learn more about order management.


To access the Order Details page in Alpha:

  1. Go to Orders > Manage Orders > Search for your order > Select your order.

sellercloud alpha original interface order details page

Performing actions

To perform an action in Alpha:

  1. In the upper right corner click on the dropdown menu > Choose an action > Go.
    performing actions in sellercloud alpha interface

The top of the page is filled with relevant tags that provide you with useful information. You can view your order’s StatusPaymentItems, Address, and more. Click on a tag to be redirected to that page. Please note that not all tags are clickable.

The colored panels on the page give you quick access to commonly needed information. You can view general information, like Company or Channel, or more focused information, like SKUs, Order Notes, or Promo Codes. These panels are organized by information type to provide you with easy organization.

You can also view this page using the morphing search feature. 

To access the Order Details page in Delta:

  1. Go to Orders > Manage Orders > Search for your order > Select your order.

sellercloud delta order details page orders order management

Performing actions

To perform an action in Delta:

  1. In the upper right corner click on Actions.
  2. Start typing or scroll down to browse the actions > Click on the preferred action.
  3. Optional: Click on the star icon next to each action to favorite it for easier access.
    performing actions in sellercloud delta interface

Using the toolbox

Each order created automatically comes with a toolbox. The toolbox feature gives you access to even more functions and possibilities, such as:

To access the Toolbox in Delta, begin typing or scrolling in your toolbox to start exploring all your options.

One especially helpful feature of the toolbox is the save tab feature. Click the on the star icon to save a tab to the front page of your Order Details page for easy access.

order order details page order management save star icon

Understanding order information

The Order Details page lets you edit information on the individual order level. You can edit information by using the panels, or by accessing the toolbox. In Delta, panels are color-coded and organized by relevant information for your convenience. There are seven different panels:

Each panel provides different types of information, and each panel can be edited.

General panel

The General panel gives you general information, like Company, Order Date, or Customer Email.


general panel in Alpha interface

To edit information in the General panel in Alpha:

  1. In the Action dropdown menu > Edit Order > Go.
  2. Edit your information.
  3. Click Save Order to save.
  4. Optional: Click Cancel to cancel.

order details page manage p and l profit and loss p&l details order managementTo edit information in the General panel in Delta:

  1. Click the Edit icon > Edit your information.
  2. Click the Save icon to save.
  3. Optional: Click the Cancel icon to cancel.

Statuses panel

The Statuses panel lets you view the status of various workflows related to the order. You can view Order Status, Shipping Status, Payment Status, and more.


Each status appears with a helpful icon, and some icons are clickable. For example, you can click the Payment icon to review payment information. Some words are hyperlinked as well, and you can click them to be redirected to relevant information. For example, you can list Picklist # to be redirected to the picklist.

sellercloud alpha original interface order statuses status panel order details page manage

Click the Customer Email below the Order Status panel to be redirected to customer information.

Click Order Groups below the Order Status panel to be redirected to relevant order groups.

To edit information in the Statuses panel in Alpha:

  1.  Go to Settings > Order Status Display.
  2. Check/Uncheck which statuses you want to be shown in the Status panel > Save.
    Change settings in Order status panel in Alpha

You can check/uncheck the View icon to filter your view or see all statuses in the panel.order details page manage p and l profit and loss p&l details order management

To edit information in the Statuses panel in Delta:

  1. Click the Edit icon in a panel > Edit your information.
  2. Optional: Click Manage Status List icon > Check/Uncheck which statuses you want to be shown in the Statuses panel > Check/Uncheck which tags (“pills”) you want to appear at the top of the page > Click Save.order details page manage orders sellercloud delta
    You can add a Skublox tag by checking the Skublox Status box.
  3. Click the Save icon to save.
  4. Optional: Click the Cancel icon to cancel.

Custom columns panel

The Custom Columns panel allows you to view custom columns and values associated with an order.


sellercloud custom columns edit values order details page sellercloud manage orders managementTo edit values in Alpha:

  1. Click Edit Values > You will be redirected to another page in Sellercloud.
  2. Enter your value information > Click Save.

sellercloud original interface custom columns order details page order management order

Custom columns in Delta
To edit values in Delta:
  1.  Click Edit > Edit values > Save
  2. Click Cancel to abort editing values

Items panel

The Items panel lets you view products that are associated with that order. You can view a product’s SKU, Unit Price, Warehouse, and more. Click the SKU to be redirected to that product’s Product Details page.


sellercloud add items order details page original interface manage ordersFrom this panel, you also have the option to add new items to an order. To add items in Alpha:

  1. Click Add Items > A popup window will appear > Search for your items.
  2. Click Add Selected Items and Close Window to add items and close window, or, click Add Selected Items to add an item and keep browsing.

sellercloud add items order details page original interface order mangementYou also have the option to perform actions to items on the order level in this panel. To perform actions:

  1. Click Add Items > A popup window will appear > Check the items you want to perform actions on.
  2. Click the Action dropdown menu > Select your action. You will have the option to Delete Items from Order or to Update Item Qty/Prices.
  3. Click Go.

order details page manage p and l profit and loss p&l details order management

Hovering over the Information icon will reveal the product quantity available in each specific warehouse. Show me an example.

To edit information in the Items panel in Delta:

  1. Click the Edit icon in a panel > Edit your information. You can edit SKU, Item, Unit Price, Qty, Discount, Notes, and Warehouse.
  2. Optional: Click the Add icon to add a new product. Click Add icon > Search for product(s) > Select product(s) > Click Add Selected to add your product(s) and keep searching, or click Add & Close to add your product(s) and close the popup window.
  3. Optional: Click the Add Case Qty icon to add case quantity.
  4. Click the Save icon to save.
  5. Optional: Click the Cancel icon to cancel.

Profit and Loss panel

The Profit and Loss panel lets you view information about all costs and payments associated with an order.


This panel appears as a tab within a larger panel. You can click through the tabs to view more information related to Payment, Fraud Check, and Shipping. The Profit & Loss (P&L) tab shows you information related to tracking your P&L.Some items in the P&L tab are clickable. You can click items to edit information or view more in-depth information. For example, you can click the number associated with Adjustments and a popup window will appear to help you view/edit adjustment information.order details page manage p and l profit and loss p&l details order management

Click the Question icon to be redirected to helpful articles related to P&L.

Click the Show Profit & Loss icon to view your P&L.


To access and edit information in the Profit and Loss panel in Delta:

  1. In Toolbox select Profit and Loss and details will automatically display.
  2. Optional: Click the Star icon to save the tab to the front page of your Order Details page for easy access.
    Profit and Loss details in Delta

Total panel

The Total panel shows you information related to payments, like Subtotal, Promo Code, Tax, etc.


Total information for an order in Alpha

To edit information in the Total panel in Alpha:

  1. Go to Select an Action drop-down menu > Edit Order Go.
  2. Edit information as needed > Save & Calculate. The information you can edit is as follows:
    1. Promo Code
    2. Shipping
    3. Ship Disc.
    4. HandlingSave $ calculate for total panel in Alpha
  3. Optional: Click the Overriding Tax or Applying Custom Tax Rate icon to override tax or apply a custom tax rate. Input your new rate > Click Go.
  4. Optional: Click the Cancel icon to cancel.

order details page manage p and l profit and loss p&l details order management

To edit information in the Total panel in Delta:

  1. Click the Edit icon in a panel > Edit your information.
  2. Optional: Click the Overriding Tax or Applying Custom Tax Rate icon to override tax or apply a custom tax rate. Input your new rate > Click Save and Recalculate, or Click Reset Taxes to Default to reset your tax rate. sellercloud delta recalculate tax rate order management order details page
  3. Click the Save icon to save.
  4. Optional: Click the Cancel icon to cancel.

Order notes

You have the option to add a few different types of notes. These notes will appear on the Order Details page and in ShipBridge. You can add the following:

  • General note – for internal use and is similar to product notes. General notes let you keep track of your thoughts on the individual order level.
  • Customer Instruction note – keeps track of customer instructions
  • Customer Service notes – for information that you want to be acknowledged before shipping

There are two notes panels. One notes panel appears at the top right of the Details page, and the other notes panel appears below the Items panel. The top panel simply lets you view all notes associated with your order. You can check Show System Generated Notes to view notes created by the system. Click View All Notes to open a popup window with all relevant notes.

order details page sellercloud panel

The bottom panel appears underneath the Items panel. You can add notes using this panel. In addition, you can create/manage RMAs by clicking Create/Manage RMA.

To add an Order note Alpha:

  1. Go to the bottom Order Note panel > Type your note into the box.
  2. Select your note type by opening the Append to the dropdown menu. You can choose Order Note, Customer Instructions, or Customer Service Note.
  3. Click Create Note.

sellercloud order details order management order details page order notes


The orange Notes panel organizes all of your information by note type. You can scroll through past notes by clicking the appropriate note type tab in the Notes panel. You will see the note, the creator of the note, and the time the note was created.sellercloud delta add order notes to order order management order details page

To add an Order note in Delta:

  1. Go to Orders > Manage Orders > Search for your order > Select your order.
  2. Click Notes > Select the Note Type.order details page add note to order notes
  3. Write your note > Click the Arrow icon, or click Enter on your keyboard to save the note.
  4. Optional: Click the Add icon in the Notes panel > Select Note Type > Write your note > Click Addorder details page add note to order notes
  5. Optional: Delete a note by clicking the Trash icon.

Understanding the Order Change Log

The Order Change Log is referred to as Order Change History in Alpha. The Log simply shows you all changes made to your order. Each change made is given a Log ID, and is automatically saved with relevant information, like Log DateChanged ByURL, and more.


sellercloud order change log order details page order details change log historyTo access the History in Alpha:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of your Order Details page > Click Show History. The History will appear in a separate tab.

order details page show history order change log

You also have the option to search for specific changes and export your history to an Excel sheet.

To search or export:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of your Order Details page > Click Show History.
  2. To search: Enter your search criteria at the top of the page > Click Refresh Log.
  3. To Export: Click Export to Excel.
You can search and filter your Change Log activities in order to find specific actions that have been performed.
To access the Change Log in Delta:
  1. In Toolbox, select Change Log, and the details will automatically appear.
  2. Optional: Click the Star icon to save the tab to the front page of your Order Details page for easy access.
    Change log details in Delta

To export:

  1. From Actions drop-down menu > Export Order…
  2. Select Format and File Type (Text, CSV or Excel) > Export.
  3. Optional: Click Cancel to abort exporting.

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